Econ. Ana Torres Zurita


One night in March 2011, when I was praying with my family, I had a strong pain in my waist. I had several tests, ultrasounds and CT scans and all of them indicated that I had to undergo a kidney operation, a surgery that would last between 2 and 3 hours. This worried my husband and family.

Although they insisted on having me operated on soon, I asked that it be after April, the month of special devotion in the Cenacle, where I wanted to attend. In the meantime, one Saturday, they took me to Cajas and I was able to enter the Garden where I prayed with deep devotion. Then came the beatification of Pope John Paul II, whom I begged to intercede with my God to heal me.

After this, I went to the San Martin de Porres clinic with the intention of having surgery, with Dr. Mendez, who performed an ultrasound and found everything normal, that there was no alteration, that the 2 kidneys did not even look like those of a diabetic person. No matter how much I insisted, he repeated that there was nothing, that everything was fine, and he ratified it in the written report.

I began to get emotional and I kept repeating MY GOD HEALED ME, MY VIRGIN GUARDIAN OF FAITH was the intercessor as my Mother, I am healed, thank you my God... Together with my daughter Rosita we cried with joy and then it was the same for the whole family. We all gave thanks to the Most High....

All this that I expose I do it with all the use of my faculties and I will repeat it a thousand times GOD EXISTS, THAT HE IS OUR SAVIOR AND THAT HIS MERCY IS INFINITE....

Rosa Toral de Valdez

C.I. 010068082-6

Rosa Toral de Valdez


Some years ago, during my youth, I did not live an adequate Christian life. Already at the time of the Apparitions, I wanted to attend them seeking the conversion of my soul, but I could not. A year after the Apparitions, I went with my family.

It was a cloudy day when they announced that the processions with the image of the Virgin and the Lord Jesus were coming. Immediately the fog cleared and the sun came out, dancing as in Fatima. The crosses turned golden. This impressed me very much, but the most important thing is that it made a very important change in my life.

Lately we had problems in my family between my parents, and they separated for a while. I went to Cajas and visited the Garden and told the Virgin that if she brought my Dad back home, she would publish this miracle. Today he is home and has brought peace.

Thank you little Virgin, Guardian of the Faith, for having reunited my family again. Blessed be God and his Blessed Mother the ever Virgin Mary, Guardian of the Faith.

This is all I can say in honor of the truth and I authorize in all faith that this testimony may be used for the glory of God.

Econ. Ana Torres Zurita

C.I 0102965910

Lidia Atancuri


In the month of November I had a mammography exam, receiving news that was very hard for everyone, since the radiologist's diagnosis was "breast cancer".

Moments of great anguish and grief took over each one of us in our home, uncontainable crying with no idea of how to react and act.
We waited for the diagnosis from Solca's oncologist with the hope that all this was a mistake, but the biopsy was performed and confirmed everything mentioned above.

With this diagnosis the only thing left for us to do was to entrust ourselves to the Almighty GOD, "HE" who did listen to us. Just at that moment a lady friend of the family called us on the phone to invite us to attend a meeting with God.
After leaving this retreat we found ourselves with greater strength to face this challenge, but with an immense FAITH in the HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY VIRGIN MARY GUARDIAN OF FAITH.

When we entered the operating room for the operation, we asked "THEY" to intercede and put all the knowledge in the doctors for the removal of the tumor. Great was our emotion when the doctors informed us that the surgery was a success; we are sure that GOD, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT and OUR MOTHER THE HOLY VIRGIN GUARDIAN OF FAITH performed the MIRACLE that we expected from them.

All this we expose and we do it sure of the testimony that we have received and we will repeat it as many times as necessary, showing that GOD EXISTS, THAT HE IS OUR GUIDE AND THAT HIS MERCY IS INFINITE....

Lidia Atancuri
C.I 0102910882

Veronica Carrasco


Today, my heart, which is full of joy and gratitude, wants to share with you this beautiful miracle that our Father God has allowed through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, because no one better than her to understand the plea of a mother for her daughter.

1 year 5 months ago my little girl was diagnosed with a heart anomaly, the day of her first operation I had taken with me a cotton ball with the tears of the Virgin that Pachi had given me when we went to pray with her, we had to wait more than 10 hours for Ana Francisca to be admitted to the operating room, During all this time from this cotton emanated an intense aroma of roses, so strong that it filled the waiting room of the clinic and everyone could perceive it, when I finally entered the surgery, I closed my eyes and felt the warm caress that filled my heart with peace and told me "Calm down, I will solve this". She was preparing me; in this surgery my daughter's problem was not solved, on the contrary, three additional anomalies were found that complicated her health in a terminal way, the doctors told us that these three diagnoses alone are very serious, together it is only a matter of time, they gave us a maximum of two years to live.

From that day on we began to look for medical options abroad, clinging to this conviction: If God had allowed this disease to be found, which had no symptoms, and that the doctors called it a coincidence and I called it a MIRACLE; it was because He had prepared something great for my daughter.

We applied to all the medical foundations that were within our reach, we sent the medical reports to many Cardiology centers around the world; when we received a response, it was always negative, corroborating the diagnosis we already had and confirming that nothing could be done.

When my energy began to drop and I was no longer the same, when I began to feel afraid of what could happen, I closed my eyes one night and filled with tears, terrified by what I was feeling, desperate for not finding any option... I spoke in my prayer with my God and I remember telling Him: "There is nothing more I can do my Lord, she is yours, she was yours first, I give her back to you and I put her life in your hands... it will be your will and I will accept". That night I went to sleep with a broken heart, scared as I had never been before and crying without finding any consolation.

The next morning I felt within me a force that lifted me up; I, who am very weak in character and let any stumble or inconvenience affect me, suddenly I found a strength that I cannot explain, that shouted to me from within, "I need your hands and mouth, I will solve the rest", that from that day on I got up every day POSITIVE, with the conviction that there was something for my daughter.
The Lord in his immense Wisdom and Mercy put in our way a couple of Doctors, Dorothee and Andres and put them in the way that people call it a coincidence and I: Our Miracle; they were committed and committed to get an option for my AnaFran, not only a good one, but the best. We were fortunate to have access to the best Cardiology Hospital in Germany, with a group of doctors focused on truly discovering what was going on with my daughter. It took them about 5 days of investigation, 1 catheterization, exams of all kinds, images, measurements and assessments, to find that her heart was deformed and adapted in a way that has no logical explanation but a divine one, and that although it is difficult for the doctors to explain the real reasons for these anomalies and how they were able to keep her alive, I do... IT WAS A MIRACLE.