"Be not so much concerned with outward adornment...but inwardly adorn the heart with the unchanging beauty of a gentle spirit."

1 Peter 3:3



The Guardian of the Faith arrived in the city of Houston in January 2007. A group of ladies gathered to pray for the health of a cancer patient asking for intercession to the Virgin as Guardian of the Faith. The fruits of prayer and trust were immediate, so many sick in body and soul joined to pray, to grow in faith, to seek comfort and peace during very hard times.

This is how the prayer groups were formed, which today we call Cenacles of Prayer of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith. There are many souls who have approached Jesus and Mary, undertaking a beautiful journey of conversion, frequenting the Sacraments, exercising corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and living the spirituality of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith. Today we have Cenacles of prayer attended by women, men, children, families, couples and a beautiful cenacle with the retired priests of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston where we bring company and joy hand in hand with Mary. We are one big family in faith and love, a gift from our Mother as Guardian of the Faith.

As a fruit of prayer and love, the works of mercy of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith in Houston were born. We visit the sick who come from different parts of the world to the Medical Center offering them spiritual support, and we see with joy the peace and comfort they receive from Jesus and Mary to face their illnesses and the Will of God. We feed the poor and needy in a community outside Houston. We pray in front of abortion hospitals, expressing our YES to life and hoping that many women will choose to bring their children into the world.

We live in constant formation so that we can better evangelize others and grow in faith personally. We attend retreats, talks, we make the Holy Hour in community, hand in hand with the Holy Church, we are formed and grow in obedience and faith. We attend as a community to the monthly meetings of the Hispanic Ministry of the Archdiocese doing our bit for our Church.

For some years now, many members of the community have consecrated themselves to the Holy Trinity through the Virgin Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, as a response to the love they feel for God. A commitment to live in the spirituality of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, of service and dedication to the Holy Church through the Association of Lay Faithful.

We work unceasingly to bring the call of Our Lady as Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith to all corners of the world, and the Word of God to the hearts of so many people who are far from Him. We invite you to participate in this great family that Heaven has given us.











  • Cenaculo Houston: Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.
  • Men's prayer cenacle
  • Katy's Cenacles: Wednesdays 8:00 p.m.
  • Men's Cenacle: 2 Fridays per month 7:00 p.m.
  • Couples' Cenacle: Monday 7:00 p.m.
  • Children's Rosary and Catechism: Thursday 6:00 p.m.





Mass of the virtues:

Special monthly Mass, where emphasis is placed on the virtue of the month.

First Monday of each month

St John Fisher Catholic Church
410 Clay St, Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 342-5092

Responsible parties:

Elena Lacouture

Veronica Heredia: Tel 832 492-7430

email veroherreramur@hotmail.com

Directory Manager:

Antonella Polanco: tel 281-686-4583

e mail: antopad@gmail.com