A Love Story

a Gift from God

The invocation of "Mary, Guardian of the Faith", was made public in 1988, in Cuenca, Ecuador. Cuenca is the third city in population and in the Sierra at 2,532 meters above sea level, a Marian city until the mid-twentieth century and Eucharistic par excellence. The Virgin Mary manifests herself as Holy Mary ever Virgin, the "Guardian of the Faith".

Our Mother's heart's desire is:

"May we pray the Rosary which is the shield against evil. May we wear the Scapular which will protect us. May we have the Heart of Jesus in our homes, for it will keep us united and at peace. May we do penance and fasting and with prayer we will reach the Heart of Jesus. May we go to daily Mass and visit the Blessed Sacrament. May we always pray and thus keep us under His mantle and in the Heart of His son Jesus". (Synthesis No. 5)

Our Blessed Mother's heart's desire as Guardian of the Faith is to guide us on the path of virtues, as in the various aspects of life she teaches us how to walk and live by faith, convinced that faith is God's greatest gift for leading life, with its joys and sorrows. It is she who leads us to Christ Himself on the way of faith. As Guardian of the Faith, Mother of the Faith, Pilgrim of the Faith, she leads us to discover the face of Christ in all people and guides us to holiness.

There is a great need for an authentic conversion, seeking also that of our neighbor, always repeating that we are all "little ones and his little children". It is her heart's desire that we learn the importance of using and praying the powerful weapon of prayer which is the Holy Rosary, it is like the door to Heaven, and also... it is an anchor of salvation and a shield against evil, for prayer is a powerful weapon.

Above all, she teaches us to love the sacramental life, with fervent love for the Eucharist, daily Mass and visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Mary as Guardian of the Faith leads us to the heart of the Church and to a Sacramental life.

Since June 15, 1989, Cajas has been known as the Garden of the Blessed Virgin, called her "little piece of Heaven". In an inhospitable place at 3,540 meters above sea level, in the sector of El Cajas, 27.5 kilometers west of Cuenca. It is a place where great pilgrimages have taken place, leaving a call to true conversion, a Sacramental life, of Church and mercy.

A Shrine was erected, decreed by the Archdiocese and dedicated in honor of the Most Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary, Guardian of the Faith. It is a place of recollection and prayer, where the Eucharist is celebrated, the Way of the Cross is prayed, pilgrimages are made, and where there have been many fruits of conversion. Many wonderful graces have been showered in the Shrine, especially of "conversion" of thousands of people from the country and abroad. It has been and is a gift of great love received, which continues to be poured out and awakening many souls to conversion.

From the first moments until today, the desire of our heavenly Mother continues in the Shrine, to make a pilgrimage at 6:00 a.m. every first Saturday of the month, walking eight kilometers, then praying the Holy Rosary in the Shrine and the Stations of the Cross, the Eucharistic adoration, culminating with the Holy Mass, until noon praying the Angelus.

The Association of the Faithful Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith was established by the Archdiocese of Cuenca in the year 2000. It was born as a fruit of the love of our Mother and is dedicated to evangelization, sharing the call to live a true conversion. Many groups of faithful from the country and abroad follow with interest the practices to lead a "coherent Catholic life" and are at the service of the Church.

It has always lived in absolute obedience to the Archbishop in Cuenca. Many fruits of conversion and works of mercy are carried out through the Association of the Faithful Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, with committed members at the service of the Church. Spiritual and corporal works of mercy: a Home for street children victims of abuse and addictions, food and shelter for the poor and elderly on the street, care and comfort for single mothers in danger of miscarrying their babies, prayer with the sick and dying, among others.

The "Cenacles of Prayer Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith" have been established in several countries. They consist of two parts: the practice of Lectio Divina (reading of the Prayerful Word and contemplation) and the recitation of the Holy Rosary, under the careful supervision of the different dioceses where they are located. Wonderful spiritual fruits have been produced in men, women, youth, children, married couples, entire families who attend, in these cenacles, a serious practice of the faith that leads to a true Sacramental life. Today, the International Missions of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith are allowing us to share our Mother's desire to extend her mantle of love, faith, consolation, and closeness to Jesus and Mary.

The presence of our Mother as Guardian of the Faith has produced graces that continue to increase, and the seed is bearing visible fruit for the Church and for the hearts of "her little children" whom she lovingly came to visit.

Taken from the books:

"Brief History", by Gastón Ramírez Salcedo.

Nihil Obstat 7/10/2001

"Synthesis of the Messages of the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary Guardian of the Faith". 2009.

History of the Sanctuary

Since June 15, 1989, Cajas is known as the Garden of the Blessed Virgin, called her "little piece of Heaven" in an inhospitable place at 3,540 meters above sea level, in the sector of El Cajas, 27.5 kilometers west of Cuenca. This is the place where the largest pilgrimages known in Ecuador have taken place, leaving a call to true conversion, a Sacramental life, of Church and Mercy.

It was erected a Sanctuary decreed by the Archdiocese and dedicated in honor of the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary Guardian of the Faith, is a place of recollection and prayer, where all the Sacraments are celebrated,
And more as detailed in the history.


On December 8, 2002, Monsignor Vicente Cisneros Durán declared this very special place, "El Cajas", an Archdiocesan Shrine in honor of the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Guardian of the Faith, Mystical Rose of Cajas.


Amendment to the Decree of Erection of the Sanctuary dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary:

Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Guardian of the Faith, Mystical Rose.

Monsignor Vicente R. Cisneros D.

Archbishop of Cuenca


1. That in a natural setting of immense beauty, such as that of Cajas, a special devotion to the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, known as the Guardian of Faith and the Mystical Rose of the Garden of Cajas, has developed;

2. That on numerous occasions thousands of the faithful have gathered there to honor the Virgin Mary, Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit;

3. That to this day a particular devotion is maintained on the first Saturdays of the month and on other special occasions;

4. That the Jubilee Year 2000 brought together numerous parishioners every Saturday and that the Bishop indicated as a place to obtain the Jubilee Plenary Indulgence;

5. That canon 1230 of the Code of Canon Law can be applied to this place, which states: "By the name of Sanctuary is designated a church or other sacred place to which, for a special reason of piety, numerous faithful go on pilgrimage, with the approval of the Bishop";

That the land, in the amount of 25,000 meters, has been donated by the Foundation "Garden of Cajas" to the Archdiocese of Cuenca;



2. The Rector of the Sanctuary will be designated by the Archbishop of Cuenca.

3. The Statutes of this Diocesan Shrine are to be drawn up and approved by the Archbishop of Cuenca, in which the purpose, the authority of the Rector and the dominion and administration of the goods are to be determined, according to canon 1232;

4. It is requested that, according to the will of the Church, the means of salvation be abundantly provided in this place for the faithful, by diligently preaching the Word of God and carefully fostering the liturgical life, especially through the celebration of the Eucharist and Penance; and also by practicing other approved forms of popular piety as required by canon 1234,1.

Given at the Archbishop's House of Cuenca, on the eighteenth day of the month of February of the year two thousand nine.

signatures Sanctuary