On May 1, 2000, with the approval of the Archbishop of Cuenca, Monsignor Vicente Cisneros Durán, the Association of the Faithful of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith was approved and formed. The Association consists of devout, adherent, numerary or committed members wishing to achieve having members consecrated to the Holy Trinity through the Virgin Mary Guardian of the Faith as a response to this gift from God. Francisco Martinez was the spiritual guide of the Association for many years, at the present time we have formators and counselors. The operation of the Chapel of the Association Mary Mother Guardian of the Faith was authorized by Monsignor Vicente Cisneros Durán as the Chapel of Our Lady Guardian of the Faith on May 11, 2009.
Holy Mass.
The Holy Mass is par excellence the sacrament of the Christian. The believer celebrates his faith by hearing the Word of God and by participating, through sacramental communion, in the very life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Eucharist is sacrifice, thanksgiving, banquet and memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In every Eucharistic celebration the Lord is present in the person of the minister, in the species of bread and wine, in the word that is proclaimed and in the assembly gathered, as the Lord himself promised: " Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt 18:20).
- Thursday 7:30pm
- Sunday 11:30 am
- Every first Friday of every month 7:00pm
Blessed Sacrament.
The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is the devotion that has as its object the adoration of the Eucharistic Christ. It is based on faith in the Real Presence of Christ. The Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance (monstrance) for adoration.
The lives of the saints are replete with testimonies of love for the Blessed Sacrament and the wonderful fruits of adoration down through the centuries. Exposition to the Blessed Sacrament has been frequently recommended by the Popes.
Every Thursday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, we have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and at different times of the year we have the Cerco de Jericho.
Due to the worship facilities that should be given to the Catholic faithful and with the intention of strengthening the integration of the Faithful who participate in the Foundation "Jardín del Cajas" and the Association of the Faithful "María Madre Guardiana de la Fe", I authorize the operation of the Chapel of Our Lady. Guardiana de la Fe, located in the Santa Inés Shopping Center (first floor), at the intersection of Daniel Córdova 1-109 and Federico Proaño streets.Certifies that this authorization is given indefinitely as long as the Association of Faithful Mary, Guardian of the Faith, exists.
Given in the City of Cuenca on May 11, 2009.