
In the spirituality, charisma and gift of the Association María Guardiana de la fe, to serve in the church. She collaborates with the works of the children's home, the elderly and underprivileged families of Cuenca, through the Garden Foundation of Cajas.

The closet of the poor:

The group goes and takes during the year to the Mothers of Charity sacks of rice, beans, powdered milk to send to the children's orphanages in Cuba.

In charge: Josie Zomerfeld

Visiting the Sick:

We have (3) images of the Guardianita visiting homes and hospitals to support the sick. We also go to the homes of the sickest to help them with food and all their needs.

In charge: Roger Machin

Men's Cenacle; They are in charge of bringing cribs to Pro Vida, Derecho de Vida Ft Lauderdale for single mothers without resources.

In charge: Jeff Graham
