"With generosity you shall give to him, and your heart shall not ache when you give to him, for the LORD your God will bless you for this in all your work and in all that you undertake."

- Deuteronomy 15:10


Poor Man's Closet

Used clothing in good condition is collected throughout the year.

In addition to raising funds for the Association's needs, they also provide charity by selling good quality clothing to the needy at a symbolic cost.

Responsible: Katy Ibazeta

Canteen for the elderly and the needy poor:

Our Lady of Good Counsel with Father Octavio

A high nutrition menu is prepared, ingredients are purchased and a lunch is prepared for the poor of the parish every Saturday.

Responsible: Nella Ulloa



Visiting the sick:

As a work of mercy, we visit the Rebagliati Hospital and the sick who request the visit of the Guardian of the Faith, evangelizing and bringing comfort.