1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

Lord Jesus Christ, dying on the cross, you gave us your Blessed Mother. We thank you for this wonderful gift and we accept Mary as Guardian of the Faith, of the Church, of our families and of our country.

Like her, we want to fulfill your Holy Will in everything and be true disciples of yours.

To you, Lord Jesus Christ, be honor and glory, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

We greet you Mary, Daughter of God the Father.

We bless you Mary, Mother of God the Son.

We glorify you Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

We praise you Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith.

We praise you Mary, Mother Guardian of the Church.

We magnify you Mary, our Guardian Mother.

Blessed are those who praise and glorify you.


  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother, "Guardian of the Faith" and let us pray for the faith of the Church and of our families. May we grow each day in a faith committed to the Lord, to our brothers and sisters, to the poorest of the poor.

  1. The word of God

"You, dear ones, building yourselves up on your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the charity of God, awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. To some, those who waver, try to convince them; to others, try to save them by pulling them out of the fire; and to others, by showing them mercy with caution, hating even the robe stained by their blood.

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before his glory with joy, to the only God, our Savior; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, glory, majesty, strength and power before all time, now and forever". Amen. (Jude vv.20-25).

Word of God.

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as the guardian of our faith, with mutual edification, good example, the practice of charity, prayer in the Holy Spirit, perseverance in love, hope in God's mercy. The same love of God should inspire our attitudes towards those who do not believe or waver in the faith.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God. She who was there from the birth of the Church, as helper and protector of our faith.

By accepting Mary as our Guardian Mother, we commit ourselves to care for, preserve and further grow our faith within the Church.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


O God, who chose the Blessed Virgin Mary, exalted among the lowly and the poor, Mother of the Savior, grant that, following her example, we may offer you sincere faith and place in you the full hope of our salvation.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother




  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother Guardian of the Church and ask for the unity of the Church and that we may all form one heart and one soul in her.

  1. The word of God

"My help comes to me from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Let not your foot falter. Your Guardian does not slumber. No, the guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. The Lord is your guardian, the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The Lord preserves you from all evil, He preserves your soul" (Psalm 121). Word of God

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as the Guardian of his people, of his Church. He is the Guardian par excellence. He gives himself this precise title. That is why in the Church we continue our journey in the midst of the persecutions of the world and the protection of our Guardian God.

Mary participates in this Guardianship of God, because God the Father, in entrusting to her the care of his Son, entrusts to her, says St. John Eudes, with greater reason the mystical body which is the Church.

By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of the Church, we commit ourselves to have a loving sense of belonging to Mother Church and to work for her unity.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


O God, Father of mercy, whose Son, nailed to the cross, proclaimed as our Mother the Virgin Mary, his Mother, grant us, by your loving meditation, that your Church, ever more fruitful, may be filled with joy for the holiness of her children, and draw to her bosom all the families of the peoples.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother Guardian of the Family and ask that our families, with the protection of the Mother of the Church, may be domestic churches where the faith is intensely lived.

  1. The word of God

"I, the Lord, am your guardian (Is 27:3). Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain; unless the Lord protects the city, the watchman stands guard in vain. In vain do you rise so early and go to bed so late, and eat your bread in sweat: he gives it to his friends while they sleep (Psalm 127). Word of God.

  1. Comment

God presents Himself to us as the Guardian of our families, because He is the Father par excellence of every family, as St. Paul tells us. Every family that places its trust in the Father of Heaven is happy and secure.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God the Father, since as Mother she appears in the Gospel as the one who takes care of two Families: the Family of Nazareth and the Family of the Church, whose cradle is at Holy Pentecost.

By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of the Church, we commit ourselves to make our families into small domestic churches, where we listen to the Word of the Lord, share everything material and spiritual, live the Eucharist and prayer and proclaim the Gospel of salvation.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


O God, who in an ineffable way have built a holy temple for your Son in the virginal womb of Mary, grant us to adore you in the Holy Spirit and in truth, faithfully following the grace of baptism, so that we too may deserve to become living temples of your glory.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Guardian Mother of the Parents of the family and let us pray for the spouses, so that by living the love of the Lord, they may be witnesses in the home of the paternity and maternity of God.

  1. The word of God

"How many wonders you have done, Lord, my God. I would like to publish them, to proclaim them. And, O Lord, do not hold back your tenderness for me. May your unceasing love and truth keep me (Ps 40:6, 12). Word of God.

  1. Comment

God does not present himself as the guardian of the just and good man, of the father and mother who walk in righteousness and fulfill in everything his holy will. God guards us with his tenderness and love so that with the same tenderness and love we may take care of our children.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God, she who was present at the Wedding at Cana accompanying the newlyweds, continues to be at the side of all those who one day united their lives with the holy sacrament so that they may never lack the new wine of love, peace, unity and solidarity.

By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of the Fathers, we commit ourselves to live as Christian spouses, becoming bearers of the fatherhood and motherhood of God.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


Lord, Holy Father, who willed, by an admirable disposition, that the Blessed Virgin Mary be present at the wedding feast of Cana, grant that we may do what your Son has commanded us in the Gospel, by heeding the words of the Mother of Christ.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother, Guardian of the Youth, and pray for our young people that they may be delivered from all evil, receive God the Father's blessing and accept Jesus Christ the Savior.

  1. The word of God

"Thus shall they bless the Israelites. They shall say to them: The Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord lighten his countenance upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord show his face to you and grant you peace. Let them thus call upon my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them" (Num. 6. 23-27). Word of God.

  1. Comment

God does not present himself as the guardian of his children whom he blesses abundantly with the greatest gifts that a young person can have, to feel the presence of the Merciful Father and to be filled with peace, as the fullness of life.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God because she is the Mother of the young. She who cared for Jesus, adolescent and young, knows very well how to reach the heart of our youth.

By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of the Youth, we commit ourselves to accept her tenderness and motherly love that heals so many voids of love in the youth.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be



Almighty and eternal God, who in the glorious Mother of your Son have granted heavenly protection to all who call upon you, grant us, through her intercession, strength in faith, security in hope and constancy in love.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother Guardian of the Children and pray for them and for us so that we may leave them a more beautiful and peaceful world.

  1. The word of God

"Ah, the Lord saves my soul. Tender is the Lord, and just, and merciful is our God. The Lord keeps the little ones, I was prostrate and he saved me. I keep my soul in peace and silence, like a weaned child in its mother's lap" (Ps 116:4-6 131:2). Word of God.

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as the guardian of the little ones, of the children for whom he has a special providence as he tells us in the Gospel.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God the Father from the marvelous experience she had of holding in her arms the adorable Son born of her womb. That is why we place in her maternal hands the children to be born and those already grown.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously as a family.
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


Lord Holy Father, who by an admirable disposition, willed that your Son should be born of a woman and be subject to her, grant us to know more deeply the mystery of the Word made flesh and to lead a hidden life on earth until, accompanied by the Virgin Mother, we merit to enter joyfully into your house. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother, Guardian of the Poor, and let us pray for the poor and the most humble, so that the Lord's mercy may reach everyone and that they may never lack our solidarity.

  1. The word of God

"Blessed is he who cares for the weak and the poor. In the day of trouble the Lord delivers him. The Lord keeps him, life and happiness on earth, and does not abandon him to the wrath of his enemies. The Lord sustains him on the bed of sorrow (Ps 41:2-4). Word of God.

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as the Guardian of the poor and the humble whom the Lord exalts, as Mary tells us in her Magnificat canticle.

Mary participates in this guardianship of God; she, more than anyone else, has experienced poverty, suffering and limitations. By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of the Poor, we will commit ourselves to be in solidarity with the most humble and needy of the earth.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


We ask you, Lord, that we, your servants, may always enjoy health of soul and body, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, deliver us from the sorrows of this world and grant us the joys of heaven.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother, Guardian of Priests, and pray for them so that they may be shepherds after the Heart of Jesus Christ.

  1. The word of God

"On the walls of Jerusalem I have set watchmen; they shall not keep silence all day nor all night. He who scattered Israel will gather them together and keep them as a shepherd does his flock. Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock in the midst of which the Holy Spirit has set you as guardians to shepherd the Church of God, which He purchased with the blood of His own Son."

(Is 62:6; Jer 31:10; Acts 20:28): Word of God

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as Guardian of his people, as Shepherd, and his Son will be the Shepherd par excellence, who will entrust to his apostles and disciples the shepherding of the Church.

Mary shares in this guardianship of God the Guardian, Shepherd of His people, in the sense that she is the Mother of Our Good Shepherd, to whom she was intimately united. Her maternal guardianship extends to all those to whom her son, the Good Shepherd, entrusted the shepherding of the Church.

By accepting Mary as Mother, Guardian of Priests, we commit ourselves to work so that we may have good shepherds, to collaborate and support them in their pastoral work.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


Almighty God, who poured out the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, gathered in prayer with Mary, grant us, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to give ourselves faithfully to your service and to proclaim the glory of your name by the witness of our word and our life.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother



  1. Song of Praise to the Lord and to the Mother
  2. Prayer for every day.

(See the first day)

  1. Greetings to Mary for every day

(See the first day)

  1. The theme and intention of the day

Let us pray to Mary, Mother, Guardian of Evangelizers, and let us pray for all those who work in the work of evangelization, so that in the midst of their difficulties they may always count on the strength and consolation of the Lord.

  1. The word of God

"The eyes of the Lord upon those who love him, a powerful protection, a tried support, a shelter from the scorching wind, a refuge from the midday heat, a guard against stumbling, a help against falling, lifting up the soul, enlightening the eyes, giving health, life and blessing (Eccl 34:16-17). Word of God

  1. Comment

God presents himself to us as the Guardian of his missionaries, of his evangelizers, of those who carry his word, because his works are many.

Mary participates in this Guardianship of God as we can surmise from her great solicitude for the apostles and disciples in the early days of evangelization.

By accepting Mary as Mother Guardian of Evangelizers, we commit ourselves to be evangelizers in our families, in our work and at the same time to support all the workers of evangelization.

  1. Chant or recitation of the Magnificat
  2. Prayers or intentions shared spontaneously in the family
  3. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be


O God, Savior of men, who through the Blessed Virgin Mary, ark of the new covenant, brought salvation and joy to the house of Israel, grant us to be docile to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that we may bring Christ to our brothers and proclaim your greatness by our praises and the holiness of your ways.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

  1. Songs to the Mother
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