The Association of the Faithful Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, has grown beyond the borders of Cuenca, Ecuador, and has established nuclei in the cities of Guayaquil and Quito, in Ecuador and Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Houston, in the USA, in Lima, Peru and Mexico City in Mexico, all of them always working under the tutelage of the Church and obedient to their representatives, ready to participate in what the Church asks of us in each of them. All the groups follow and live the same spirituality and essence of the matrix in Cuenca, Ecuador, and we hope to always have the permission of the local authority for the official establishment of the Association in each diocese where it is located.

Wearing the garment of love, the crown of humility and Christ in our hearts, we unite our "Yes" to Mary's, persevering in this pilgrimage until we reach the fullness of God. We give thanks, without ceasing, to God the Father, to his beloved Son, Jesus, and to the Spirit of God for such exalted grace.

"Pursue peace with everyone and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord"(Hebrews 12:14).

In gratitude to our Mother we join our hearts and voices and say to her:

Mary, Guardian of Our Faith, we look to you today, we will look to you tomorrow, and our gaze will forever be fixed upon you, for you will lead us to your Son, Jesus. And during this journey, we will not be afraid! Together we lift up our prayer to you.

Contact International Missions:
Karla de La Borda
+51 956 255 548