Cuenca, Ecuador...August 28, 1988...An experience of love was born in this city, an experience that would change the lives of thousands of people throughout time, of that time that passes inexorably, that does not stop, that today, celebrates 30 years. The love of Mary, the Blessed Mother, the Guardian of Faith, would come to...

"29 YEARS SHARING THE DESIRE OF THE VIRGIN'S HEART: TRUE CONVERSION" How much love Jesus has for us, to share His Mother with us for such an important and transcendental task for humanity as the CONVERSION of the whole world. Reflecting on the times we are going through as humanity, it is not difficult to understand why we are going through...

NOVENA MARY MOTHER GUARDIAN OF FAITH FIRST DAY MARY, MOTHER, GUARDIAN OF FAITH Song of praise to the Lord and to the Mother Prayer for every day Lord Jesus Christ, who dying on the cross gave us your Blessed Mother. We thank you for this marvelous gift and we accept Mary, as Guardian...

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