
How much love Jesus has for us, to share His Mother with us for such an important and transcendental task for humanity as the CONVERSION of the whole world.

Reflecting on the times we are going through as humanity, it is not difficult to understand why Mary is so present among us, since she as Mother sees with concern that we are plunged in confusion and each day further away from the heart of her Son Jesus.

With an attitude characteristic of a merciful Mother and intercessor par excellence... , she encourages us to return to the way of God. The Virgin Mary, with her heart full of love and in it, the ardent desire, that humanity does what her Son Jesus, Our God says, that humanity moves towards the kingdom of God regardless of race, creed and state of soul, towards Salvation.

It has been 29 years of grace and blessing, which through the love of Our Mother have given many fruits of conversion in the lives of many people. That love and the life of commitment in the church through the Association of the Faithful Mary Mother Guardian of the Faith, extends over the world sharing their spirituality, faith formation, sacramental life, committed life in the service in the church and commitment to lead souls to the practice of works of mercy to others with the same love as if it were Jesus Himself. The Association of the Faithful Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, shares the immense gift received in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, to the brothers and sisters from all over the world: men, women, children and young people who are transforming their lives to give glory to God and form today a great family of faith and community life.

The heart's desire of Our Mother, the Virgin Mary, is true conversion. As a Mother, she will never tire of guiding her children to this path of salvation. As a Mother she will lead in the different circumstances of life, knowing the danger that faith is threatened, in the current relativism, indifference to the things of God, the fruit of materialism, self-centeredness, the new era, among so many sad realities that we are going through in these times, which weaken our faith and harden our hearts, producing a distancing from God and possibly perdition... We often deny God, while He in His infinite Mercy, only desires our salvation.

There are so many testimonies through the intercession of Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, that attest that her efforts do bear abundant fruit: in souls far from the Church, people carrying a cross in sickness, others struggling with vices, marriages suffering infidelity and estrangement, many other difficult cases that received the grace to transform their lives.

God, in his infinite wisdom and boundless love for us, grants us the presence and closeness of our Mother to guide and protect us, since a mother like Mary is capable of penetrating the most wounded heart, of breaking the most hardened heart, with patience and love she touches the most intimate fibers of man's heart..... She floods our souls with divine light, without looking at circumstances or the sin of her children, she does not discriminate... she calls us all equally. This light of conscience reaches us in order to awaken, to recognize so much disguised evil, the years of living in darkness and ignorance.

Mary, Mother Guardian of the Faith, is the dwelling place of all the grace of the Holy Spirit, she leads us to conversion, she teaches us to live in obedience to the Father and to our Holy Church, deepening our understanding of the Word, so that we may understand it, keep it, fulfill it and above all share it. It leads us to live a life of prayer, sacrifice and mercy. It encourages us to participate in a full Sacramental life. How much love!

May Mary's loving and unconditional "Yes" be deeply engraved in our hearts. May her example of obedience and generosity be the beacon that guides and illumines our lives. She sanctifies and directs our thoughts, purifies our spirit, helps us to master our passions, corrects our faults and falls. Let us allow ourselves to be conquered by her! Let us trust as children that our Mother seeks only our happiness, eternal happiness!

Let us celebrate with Mary these 29 years of grace and love, thanking her with all our hearts for having set her eyes on our littleness. Let us also ask that we may be able to return this honor of having her so close to us, and that we may respond by means of our Yes and personal testimony of change of life, the fruit of having received her call and responded promptly to take refuge in her immaculate heart and that of her Son Jesus.



Although I have been raised in a Catholic family, being close to God has been seasonal or in times of need. Although I believe that I "live well, happy", I have fallen into an endless number of offenses against God, conscious and unconscious.

Conversion is a lifelong process, I was aware that almost everything was wrong, I wanted to seek God in me, I realized that many times I felt that I could not simply pray.

I cannot explain or attribute it to what, initially I was changing, my thoughts, my dress, my sensuality was apparently calming down. The breakup of my home and somehow my new union weighed heavily on me. Actually, today, I feel and believe that it was the Holy Spirit who was working, as if to say, behind my back, with this gradual and subtle change that was taking place in me. It should be emphasized that I did not consider the Holy Spirit, I did not know who He really was.

I stopped working and on the one hand I thanked God for the opportunity to have the time to dedicate to being a mom, on the other hand I cursed the fact of being away from everything worldly, professional success, money, travel, frivolities.

I knew that I needed to do something, that I needed peace and that I could not do it alone. They took me one day to the cenacle of MMGDF, an unknown dimension opened up, praying the rosary left me full of opportunity, peace, light, I felt that something was happening there and it was what I wanted. I felt that something was happening there and it was what I wanted. The one who left that day already felt that there was a path to follow.

I remember that one day in January in the cenacle I was hurt by the topic of the excommunication of the divorced, but from then on I stopped taking communion, I did not go often to mass, but when I went I had a strong need to do it, I trembled and I was moved. I had a great need for Christ in me.

As I prayed the rosary, and sometimes at home as well, I became aware of many things that were wrong in my life, and I became aware that my actions and my thoughts directly offended Jesus and Our Mother.

In prayer with our mother I understood that I did not consider myself ready to have this experience with her, that I accepted it and that she would let me know when I was worthy of participating in this retreat that I felt would mark a new stage of my life, which frightened me because it would be, in fact, an acceptance of a new and serious commitment with Jesus and with Our Mother.

Some time very close to the date of the retreat I received a call that a place was open for me, I could hardly thank them, I hung up. My body fell to my knees on the floor, totally moved and crying, I could not stop saying thank you to the Virgin Mary, Our Mother, because I felt very loved and with a certain fear of what I was invited to commit myself to, something that cannot be easily described with words.

During the retreat I felt more than ever the strong pain of not receiving the Eucharist and even more so knowing that I was a sinner, unworthy and unworthy of receiving Jesus, Our Lord made Sacrament.

A series of teachings made me see one by one my sins and past offenses, which do not stop until today, but it makes you commit yourself to the commitment to follow Jesus with the help of Our Mother.

It is thought impossible to go to daily Mass, to visit the Blessed Sacrament, to pray the daily rosary, to love and see others with the heart, to overcome resentment, laziness, sensuality and other vices that corrupt us and end up distancing us from God.

Fiorella Dolci

Lima Peru



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